Wednesday, January 4, 2012

You know you have ADD when...

Wow, what a day that screamed "I am an ADDer". Note in my blog yesterday that I said I was going to go to my sisters house to watch the kids. It wasn't today, it's tomorrow. She said she told me it was Wednesday not Tuesday and of course I believe her. So I go home with my laptop and go inside. I then decide to go out for lunch only to go to my car and realize my $1000 laptop is still in the car! It was in my car unlocked for over three hours. Also, I JUST now realized I have undryed clothes waiting downstairs. They've been washed and waiting to be dryed for over 12 hours. You have to laugh about yourself and not worry about these things.

My dishes are finally done! It took four hours, not because of the volume, but for the distractions. I would let the dishes soak, walk away, and come back an hour later. It's been about two months when I could say that every dish has been up and stored away. You have to celebrate the small things.

I need to get started on the unsanded spackle (tackle the spackle??) in the bathroom today. If I say spackle and paint, nothing will get done. Small baby steps is key.

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