Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Losing focus at night

Do you find yourself going gung ho over getting organized in the morning but find as the day winds down, you wind down with it? It makes sense on work days... the last thing I want to do is tackle clutter and ADD after a hard day of work... but even on weekends I've noticed I'm best about an hour after waking up. I didn't bother doing anything the last six hours before bed last night.

Yesterday (morning of course), I tackled more of the DVD clutter I have and general living room mess. I would say now that I have under 100 more to go through and organizing (finishing!) those would be a big achievement. It'd been probably be five years when I could say that every DVD is labeled and every store bought DVD is in it's own case...course I'm sure I'll find more under clutter.

My sink is still full. I've drained and added soap and water to the dishes three times yesterday but I still haven't tackled that yet. I don't have a dishwasher but that's just an excuse.

I am off today but my sister needs me to watch over the kids today for about five hours. For both of the kids grandparents, it's "can I drop the kids off?" For me it's.. "Do you mind staying at the house for a little while?". She knows better, but one day I'll be able to surprise her and say "Just drop them off on your way".

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