Friday, January 13, 2012

Finally, a good day

There comes a point where you just get angry at yourself being surrounded by messes in every room. I used that emotion in a positive manner to set out on a cleaning expedition around the house. I was making good progress until I came across my missing Xbox and Sega Dreamcast from years ago that was stored (and buried) in a cardboard box. I noticed both power cables were missing so I spent about an hour tracking those down too. I got them both hooked up to my HDTV and have enjoyed playing them again.

Along with that, I bought two blinds for my basement back in October, but never got around to putting them up. I got that done after a lot of problems mounting them to concrete as well. Finally, I worked on the living room and it's nearly cleaned once again. The kitchen is far from clean but progress was made there too.

Good progress, but if you look at the overall picture, it's crazy how much has to be done here. Hopefully I'll continue with as good a day as today.

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