Friday, February 3, 2012

Pictures going up!

Like I said it's been five years since I moved and it wasn't until last month when I got a picture up. I still have about four more to go but eight of them are mounted. I also replaced a few of the frames with newer pictures. I also had to work on the living room again as it was getting messy with all the moving around.

I used to post every day, but I figured "nothing done today" was pretty pointless. Over the last several days I've been real distracted and haven't felt like doing much. Last night was the first solid working day in a while.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Reducing the memories

I know I talked about getting the spackling done yesterday but I decided to tackle another huge sideproject -- scanning all the documents of the past and tossing them to reduce the clutter. It was a tough job, especially when I came across some letters from my deceased mother. She was an avid writer and wrote me a ton of letters while in college (20 years ago). I'd say I have around 95% of them still. These are symptoms of an atypical hoarder. Once it comes into your life, it's hard to part with it. I put a dent in that project.. a small dent.. but any progress is helpful. I may try to tackle more if it tonight.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Took a break

The bathroom cleanup was enough that I thought I deserved a break. I hope to get the spackling done tonight.

Friday, January 27, 2012

The dreaded bathroom

Oh the bathroom.. I delayed you as much as possible, but it was time to do something about you last night. I first had to clean everything out of the bathroom and put everything back to where it belonged or trash it. After that was done, it was a face mask, Lysol, and a whole roll of towel paper on the offensive and I began work on the floor and commode. The floor didn't need to be perfect because... believe it or not.. the spackle I talked about weeks ago is still there. Following that was cleaning the shower curtain, large wall mirror and the sink. No easy task. After about three hours of work, it's beginning to look like a bathroom again. Still need to do some touchups that I won't worry about until after sanding the spackle. Hopefully tonight.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

PS1 Distraction

A few days ago I pulled out my XBox and Dreamcast machine and yesterday I found all the components to a Sony Playstation. I already knew where my CDs were so I hooked everything up and played for a couple hours. The graphics seemed pretty outdated compared to the Dreamcast. I just have a few remnants of the first few boxes to sort through and one rather large box of miscellaneous stuff and I would finally have unpacked everything when I moved five years ago!

This evening I have no choice but to work on the bathroom. It's pretty much in the same state since I've started because I hate cleaning the bathroom... but tonight is the night to make it "niece ready".

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Boxes everywhere!

Now that I have a clean room to work in, I am going into the laundry room and pulling out a box at a time to determine whether something is worth keeping, scanning then tossing, or tossing. I came across a large box of childhood stuff including a large stack of Star Wars, Close Encounters, Mork and Mindy and other 70s classics. I got sidetracked a lot by sifting through all the cards but I got a good bit done.

My tape collection is now reduced to a much more manageable size and will be reduced further once I mp3 them (yet another side project.. sigh). Also, I got my Christmas tree mostly down. It was up this long with hopes that someone would come by to see it but no one ever did. If I can get my house done, I can start inviting people over.

Tonight I'm finishing the Christmas tree and hope to get my basement done if not nearly done. That would be a first if I accomplish it.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Audio tape organizing

About six years ago I did a tape-mp3 project. I thought I got them all done but I found a large box full of tapes that didn't get converted. I spent most of the evening going through them, but winded up listening to a lot of tapes I haven't heard in nearly 20 years. I got them sorted by trash tapes to throw away, tapes to keep but not convert and tapes to convert. Not sure when I'll get around to that but I winded up trashing about half the tapes. That simple side project took around 4-5 hours to do. This evening I'm continuing with the basement and getting about six months of mail shredded and caught up (I do everything online but still get paper bills)